DJ-MegaMenu is an advanced menu system for Joomla 3.x and Joomla 2.5 that allows you to set each menu item as you want.Â
You can set the amount of columns per each menu item, as well as put the modules inside.
The module gives you wide range of possibilities to set up the menu you need. It’s also designed with mobile in mind so you’ll find many handy features.
Standard features
The module comes with standard menu features you’d expect:
- start level/end level
- choose the menu the module will display
- custom module suffixes
- alternative layout
- caching
Mobile ready
The module was designed with mobile in mind so you’ll find many options that let you configure the module to behave as expected on all mobile devices.
- touch screen friendly drop-down menu - first click opens the submenu - second click opens the link!
- display select menu for small screens - you can provide the resolution below which the menu will change to select menu (if you want)
- you can also decide the behaviour for the separator menu type - it can be either Hover or Click
Extra Features
- Display submenus as a tree instead of standard drop-down menu
- Set the default column width (this setting can be overriden in menu item settings)
- Use Note menu feature as a second line for your menu item!
- Enable/disable effects
- Wrapper ID - with this functionality you can provide the ID of the wrapper element you want the submenus not to exceed
The new Mega Menu comes with many effects settings
- you can set the vertical/horizontal/fade effect for 1st and other levels and mix them as you need
- choose the transition effect that fits your project it can be:
- Linear
- Cubicular
- Exponential
- Circular
- Sineousdal
- Back
- Bounce
- Elastic
- Set delay before submenu will close
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