We invite you to learn in our mobile foreign language school. If you want to learn fast or if you don't have time for traditional courses, because of work or family obligations, we offer foreign language courses by you at home. You can find by us, what you need in time, which you choose for yourself. If you don't have proper place to learn, we provide courses in our classroom in Szczecin on Rydlastreet.


Write electronical test,
which allow us to check your                                         language skills

What distinguish us?

  • You don't have to go out to learn!
    The school'll come to you.
  • You don't have to wait for results! You'll see them after the first lesson.
  • We offer courses for all, without exceptions!


What is "direct method"?

Direct method is the main teaching method by us on all language levels. Direct method is known in English language teaching as Callan method. There are only a few schools in Poland, which use this method to teach foreign languages. German version of Callan metohd is „Direkte Methode”. Which advantages has direct method in foreign language teaching?

  • you are speaking and listening four times more during our lesson then during a traditional lesson
  • you are speaking and listening 60 seconds per minute during the lesson. For a couple of hours you don't use your native language
  • you learn words on the lesson and not at home
  • are you shy? During our lessons you will have to speak even if you are shy, because teachers ask different questions all the time. You won't be shy any more
  • you will see results after the first lesson
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